God IS love and love is not religious in any way. TRUE love is absolutely virtuous
These are the characteristics (fruits) of TRUE love's divine, eternal nature. If there is no virtue, there is no TRUE love.
What is a lion-like or lamb-like virtue? The passive virtues, such as compassion, patience, etc., are the lamb-like characteristics (fruits) and weaknesses of true love's divine nature, while the active virtues, such as confidence, courage, etc., are the lion-like characteristics and strengths of true love. If you only focus on true love's weaknesses and not it's strengths, you have no strength of character and others, especially those who are ruled by their instincts and ego, will walk all over you. Conversely, if you only focus on its strengths and not its weaknesses, you do so out of self-righteousness and pride, and humility is the key to the lion laying with the lamb and being an absolutely perfect gentleman or gentlewoman of true love, a saint by any other name. In fact, humility is the only one that is of the lion and the lamb, and is neither a strength or weakness, but brings balance and harmony. Humility balances courage (strength) with consideration (weakness), confidence with patience, truthfulness with tact, etc., and is the only virtue you truly need to master, absolutely
"Beware of practicing your righteousness (virtuousness) before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven."Matthew 6:1
What this means is, your virtuousness shouldn't be about "putting on airs and graces". It should simply be, perfectly natural for you to behave like a perfect gentleman or gentlewoman of true love, a saint by any other name, with true dignity, integrity, humility, gracefulness and graciousness, etc..
Virtue of the Week
passive lamb-like characteristic (fruit) of true love's divine nature
Cleanliness means keeping your heart, mind and body clean. It is putting into your heart, body and your mind only the things that keep you healthy. It is staying free from influences that are not virtuous. It is cleaning up mistakes, putting the past behind you and making a fresh start.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.Psalm 51:10
All 52 Virtues